Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Playing with my camera

I am trying to convince J that I NEED a new camera. You know, one of those fancy schmacy DSLRs like this one here:

(That's the Canon Rebel T1i. Isn't it SWEET?)

My little ones aren't so little any more and they rarely stand still which makes it quite difficult to get a good NON-BLURRY picture. A new camera with faster fps (frames per second) would come in so handy, especially since the girls are getting into sports! Mostly, I'm tired of shooting on Auto and want more control over the camera. While I would LOVE a non-crop DLSR, it's just not in the budget now. Maybe. Later. In. Like. Ten. Years.

I have been trying to get more out of my little P&S and using Photoshop Elements 3.0 (come to think of it, it's time to upgrade that too!). Tell me your honest opinions. What do you think of my images below?

E's first time back on a bounce house since she was diagnosed with cancer in 2007

Can you guess how old S is right now?

Our peach tree blossoms

Do you think I could convince him? Give me some suggestions on what I should say to him. When I bring this up, his standard answer is, "But honey, you already have a camera. You don't NEED another!"



  1. Hmmm Dana, that's a tough one! I had a hard time convincing Jeff too. In the end I think it was just persistance- he got tired of hearing me talk about it!

    (maybe try SHOWING him the images from photographers that you admire and say THATS what I want the photos of my kids to look like!)

    Good luck!!

  2. I'm right there with you on wanting a DSLR. (Canon Rebel xsi is my dream.) I can't seem to pull the trigger to spend the money. I've even started selling stuff to start a fund for one and I still can seem to justify the expense! I think you will definitely get better shots with one. Check craigslist and ebay for better prices. Good luck!
